Startcleaner Download X64 [Updated-2022] Startcleaner is a tool that can be used to find and remove startup entries from Windows computer. With Startcleaner you can easily clean the list of programs that start automatically in Windows, to reduce the startup delay and improve the overall operation speed. Besides, it can be used on portable devices. How can we improve this review? General feedback from users Your overall score Globally in all groups Price Vagaries It would be very good to provide another budget breakdown of the package, like "free" (no need for additional tools) and "paid" (need to purchase more tools). Also, the lack of an "in-the-box" freeware configuration tool or an "all-in-one tool" i.e. not a mixture of tools the user has to download and install first, is something that will attract buyers, since that's the only point in common with the competitors. Best alternatives to Startcleaner You may be interested in the following software solutions, which were also created by the same developer: Autoruns is a program that can be used to disable and enable autorun entries in Windows. It features a clean and easy-to-use interface, and offers the ability to remove startup entries manually, without the need to enable Autorun. Autorun Doctor is a free program that can be used to disable and enable autorun entries in Windows. It offers a clean and easy-to-use interface and allows users to remove startup entries manually, without the need to enable Autorun. Autostart Manager is a program that can be used to disable and enable autorun entries in Windows. It features a clean and easy-to-use interface, and allows users to remove startup entries manually, without the need to enable Autorun. Autoruns is an automated cleanup tool for startup entries. When your PC loads Windows, Autoruns scans your startup entries, deletes what you don’t use and enables what you do. No matter what you need to do, just click on “How do I?” to find out what to do next. Autoruns is an automated cleanup tool for startup entries. When your PC loads Windows, Autoruns scans your startup entries, deletes what you don’t use and enables what you do. No matter what you need to do, Startcleaner Crack + Keygen Startcleaner is a lightweight and portable application you can use to manage programs that automatically run every time you boot your computer. To be more specific, it gives you the possibility to delete the entries of those software products you rarely or never use, in order to reduce impact on machine performance and contribute to a faster boot time. Without resorting to third-party utilities, this task can be easily achieved by running the Windows System Configuration Utility ("msconfig.exe" in "Run"). However, Startcleaner provides a more user-friendly interface, which especially comes in handy for those with no previous experience in startup managers. Simple interface for removing autorun entries The interface is represented by a large window with a simple design and neatly structured layout, which gives you an overview of all options put at your disposal. The autostart entries are automatically detected and shown in a list at startup. You can check out their names, location in the Registy Editor, along with the full file paths. By clicking on an entry and the "Delete" button, the corresponding application is immediately removed from the OS autorun sequence. This process is irreversible (without resorting to alternative software apps) and there is no confirmation message, so you should be careful not to accidentally remove the entries of tools you actually want to run every time you fire up Windows, such as an antivirus product. Portability advantages There are no additional options implemented, not even a right-click menu. For example, it's not possible to open an entry's location in Registry Editor or Windows Explorer. The entire program's packed in a single.exe file that can be saved anywhere on the disk or copied to a removable storage unit, in order to directly run it on any PC with as little effort as possible. It doesn't create files on the disk or need DLLs or other components to run. Evaluation and conclusion It worked smoothly in our tests, without affecting the computer's performance. System resources usage was minimal. Although it doesn't have richer options, Startcleaner offers a simple solution for removing autorun entries from Windows, and it can be easily used. Startcleaner Overview Startcleaner Description: Startcleaner is a lightweight and portable application you can use to manage programs that automatically run every time you boot your computer. To be more specific, it gives you the possibility to delete the entries of those software products 91bb86ccfa Startcleaner For Windows Startcleaner is a small tool developed by Sinnerman Ltd. to manage the programs that are automatically run during the computer boot time. With Startcleaner you are able to identify all of the programs that are automatically run and delete them. ScreenShots & Screenshots - Startcleaner 1.1 review by atlasz You may be interested in the following technology-related websites: Startcleaner is a lightweight and portable application you can use to manage programs that automatically run every time you boot your computer. To be more specific, it gives you the possibility to delete the entries of those software products you rarely or never use, in order to reduce impact on machine performance and contribute to a faster boot time. Without resorting to third-party utilities, this task can be easily achieved by running the Windows System Configuration Utility ("msconfig.exe" in "Run"). However, Startcleaner provides a more user-friendly interface, which especially comes in handy for those with no previous experience in startup managers. Simple interface for removing autorun entries The interface is represented by a large window with a simple design and neatly structured layout, which gives you an overview of all options put at your disposal. The autostart entries are automatically detected and shown in a list at startup. You can check out their names, location in the Registy Editor, along with the full file paths. By clicking on an entry and the "Delete" button, the corresponding application is immediately removed from the OS autorun sequence. This process is irreversible (without resorting to alternative software apps) and there is no confirmation message, so you should be careful not to accidentally remove the entries of tools you actually want to run every time you fire up Windows, such as an antivirus product. Portability advantages There are no additional options implemented, not even a right-click menu. For example, it's not possible to open an entry's location in Registry Editor or Windows Explorer. The entire program's packed in a single.exe file that can be saved anywhere on the disk or copied to a removable storage unit, in order to directly run it on any PC with as little effort as possible. It doesn't create files on the disk or need DLLs or other components to run. Evaluation and conclusion It worked smoothly in our tests, without affecting the computer's performance. System resources usage was minimal. Although it doesn't have richer options, Startcleaner offers a simple What's New in the Startcleaner? AutoRun Cleaner is a simple and straightforward application you can use to manage autostart entries that automatically launch when you turn on your Windows system. Features Windows System Configuration Utility: Single EXE file (independent from Windows) Fully portable No registry registry access Remove autostart entries directly from: Windows Explorer Start menu Registry Editor The results are automatically saved and shown. (If there is no autostart or autorun entry associated to a given application, there won't be any update to the results.) Important This tool will automatically remove the entries of executables associated to programs not included in the autostart options, such as your antivirus product. If you want to keep it, you'll have to update Startcleaner manually from time to time. What's new in this version: Added a new popup menu option to remove all autostart entries, which avoids bothering you with a confirmation dialog when you delete an entry. When an entry is included as the default settings, after the uninstallation process the entry is added again to the autostart options. What's new in this version 2.0: Added Registry Editor support. Fixed a bug that prevented you from adding entries to the autostart list manually. Added error messages when the windows registry key cannot be accessed. Added a restart command line option. Now autostart entries are added to the system boot sequence even if the executable path is not valid, but the program requires a ".exe" extension. Added a "Confirm deletion" button to the preferences dialog. Added a version number that's shown at the bottom of the dialog. Improved performance by using less resources. Automatically repaired some of the registry entries that were corrupted. Added the Spanish language. Fixed a bug that prevented you from showing the results of an uninstallation operation. Fixed a bug that prevented you from saving the results after an uninstallation operation. Fixed a bug that prevented you from performing an uninstallation operation when you press the "Cancel" button. Fixed a bug that made some not English string values out of bounds. Fixed a bug that prevented you from deleting an autostart entry. Startcleaner is a lightweight and portable application you can use to manage programs that automatically run every time you boot your computer. To be more specific, it gives you the possibility to delete the entries of those software products you rarely or never System Requirements For Startcleaner: Minimum: OS: Windows 7 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E4500, AMD Athlon X2 4400+, Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550, AMD Phenom X4 8650 Memory: 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended) Hard disk: 700 MB free HD space Graphics: DirectX 9.0 compatible GPU with WDDM 1.0 driver Additional Notes: - The plugin can be used on Windows XP and Windows Vista. - DWM and Aero must be disabled in the operating system
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